Do You Dab Life Away?

by , on
February 20, 2021
Do You Dab Away Life?

Do you dab life away? What do I mean by this? Well, I’m currently taking an online watercolor class. This is a new medium for me. I’ve painted in oils and mostly acrylics. Watercolor is a different animal altogether. I find myself dabbing away what I’ve put on the paper. In fear. Fear of what? Paint blobs.

“I’m Proud of You”, Music to Our Ears

by , on
January 25, 2021
I'm proud of you, music to our ears

Pride is one of the 7 deadly sins. Ironically, it’s an important part of the parent/child relationship. Have you ever heard your mom or dad tell someone how proud they are of you? Have they ever told you directly how proud they are of your accomplishments or just YOU in general?

July Goals

by , on
July 3, 2018

June has come and gone in a blur. Honestly? I haven’t been productive at all where my writing is concerned. YES, I did publish a book on June 1st…so, there’s that.

2015, The Year Of Happiness

by , on
December 31, 2014

exist to be happy2015 promises to be the year of happiness…how?

I was recently reading one of my favorite blogs, Harleena Singh’s Aha Now. You’ll recognize Harleena because she often visits here and leaves encouraging comments. The post was written by guest blogger Kira M. Newman, titled ‘Why Our Ideas About Happiness Are Backwards”.

Kira offers a free happiness class called The Year of Happy. I know it sounds, like well, I’m already happy so why do I need that?

An Ideal Divorce-Is There Such a Thing?

by , on
January 21, 2014

an ideal divorce-is there such a thing?

image source; Pinterest

An ideal divorce-is there such a thing?  Or is it as likely as riding a unicorn off into the sunset.  I would hazard a guess that it’s about as likely as ‘happily ever after’.  Not impossible, but not guaranteed.  First, what is an ideal divorce?

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