Just a Little Chat

by , on
October 28, 2023
Just a Little Chat

My last mail out I had asked my subscribers which upcoming book they would like to read of mine, given a choice of the three works currently in progress. The results are listed below in order of popularity:

I Don’t Drink Alone and Other Lies-a hilarious essay collection

An essay collection to tickle the funny bone.

Draft Book Cover

Between Midnight and the Moon-Poetry Collection

Daughter of the Moon-a Novel

So I did have a set back with editing my novel. But I am getting back on track with that and I Don’t Drink Alone is pretty much ready to format. So looks like I will have a few new releases in early 2024.

In other topics; The strangest thing has been happening to me. I come up with an idea to write about here on the blog and then moments later, I forget what my brilliant idea was. What the heck?! Also, I re-read my post on “Ten things Covid Made Me Do”. I looked for it on the blog because there was a Leonard Cohen special on HBO which triggered my memory. I thought of the time during Covid that I tied my Beau to the kitchen chair. You know what came next.

You Are an Unfinished Poem

by , on
August 30, 2022
An Unfinished Poem
You are an unfinished poem

Stuck in my heart,

Appearing on the horizon

Like an unanswered question

Simple as one-two-three,

Further from reality

But as real as flesh on bone

The lively echo of your smile

Keeps me thinking,

What's left incomplete

Is sometimes just as sweet

As the holy "amen"

At the end of a silent prayer


Photo by Leon Biss on Unsplash 

Life Lately

by , on
October 24, 2019

Hello Escapees, how is life lately for you? I’ve been away and then sick so have been absent here at the blog for a while. I drafted this post a few weeks ago, so you’ll notice where I’ve provided an update. It’s not my typical blog post but always fun to let you in on what I’m up to.

Hot Flash Confidence
image by J. Wagner source infographtastic.com

Life Lately

July Goals

by , on
July 3, 2018

June has come and gone in a blur. Honestly? I haven’t been productive at all where my writing is concerned. YES, I did publish a book on June 1st…so, there’s that.

Sweat Therapy

by , on
April 21, 2013

sweat therapy

credit unknown

One of the best stress busters during divorce or any difficult time, is exercise.  Any sweaty sport, activity or even a simple brisk walk can clear the mind of our negative thoughts firing.  Sweat therapy I call it, because you get in the moment and forget all of the worries that are plaguing your mind and focus on what your

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