Thinking About…Things #Grief #selfcare

by , on
November 18, 2020

Still here. It’s been quiet here at the blog. Even on my social channels I haven’t been interacting much. I certainly haven’t been creating brilliant thoughts or beautiful pictures I want to share with the world…which leaves me feeling a bit disconnected. But I could say I’m feeling more connected with myself. That’s not a bad thing.

Thinking About…Winter

by , on
January 14, 2020
Guess the Christmas Song

Cozy sweaters, wood burning fires, art projects, blankets, red wine, books, afternoon tea…

Thinking About...Winter
image by Nathan Wolfe via Unsplash

I’ve been thinking lately about how January gets a bad rep. When it comes to the twelve months of the year, this one tends to be the least favorite of all. The post-holiday season let-down. The failed resolutions. The introspection on our flaws and efforts to correct them…these are at the forefront.

Are You Lonesome Tonight?

by , on
April 23, 2019
Are You Lonesome Tonight? Why being alone and being lonely don't have to be interchangeable.
Image source Unsplash by Kristina Tripovic

“Are you lonesome tonight? Do you miss me tonight?”

The words to that old Elvis song always tug at my heartstrings. I picture my grandmother mending socks, humming along to this song playing on her kitchen radio. She became a widow quite young. She wasn’t even 60 yet. She lived alone until the day she died (excluding her final years in a care home).

One of the hardest adjustments during divorce, is finding yourself alone. Alone. Just that simple word conjures up all kinds of not so nice feelings. When you’re alone, is it because no one wants you?

Divorce Self Care-5 Tips

by , on
May 26, 2013

5 Tips for Self Care

source; strawberrieHeart

There is no more stressful time than during a divorce, except for death.  Think about that for a minute.  Divorce is a grieving process of sorts.

If you are going through it right now, chances are you’ve let your self care routine slide.  There are other more important things to worry about than my hair…you hear yourself say…the children come first, you say…and they do however, if you keep putting yourself last you won’t get through this journey intact. 

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