Scent Memories

by , on
September 12, 2021
Scent Memories
Photo by Mariah Hewines on Unsplash

They say we remember moments in our life, not days. We remember how someone made us feel, not the words they use. I agree with these statements, 100% (although, I do remember words). But let’s not rule out SCENT. Scent evokes a moment, a feeling, sharp memories and a STORY.

The Woman Wearing the Scarlett Letter

by , on
May 23, 2012

the woman wearing the scarlett letter

Demi Moore in The Scarlett Letter

I’ve never felt so ostracized as I did post divorce.  I was the woman wearing the Scarlett Letter, it seemed.  It turns out you don’t need to be an adulterer to be shunned, especially if you are the one to end the marriage.

Can you return without the social stigma?  Is it true you can never go back?  Can you walk the same streets and feel like the same person?

If you have relocated after a difficult divorce, you may return one day and ask yourself these very questions.  I pondered these questions upon my return to a city my children still call home.

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