Scent Memories

by , on
September 12, 2021
Scent Memories
Photo by Mariah Hewines on Unsplash

They say we remember moments in our life, not days. We remember how someone made us feel, not the words they use. I agree with these statements, 100% (although, I do remember words). But let’s not rule out SCENT. Scent evokes a moment, a feeling, sharp memories and a STORY.

Divorce and Other Pet Peeves

by , on
January 18, 2013

Divorce and Other Pet Peeves

photo credit Pinterest

Well, we’re half way through January and it’s about the time we’re all getting cranky over our resolutions. Maybe we’ve broken them? I avoid making New Year’s resolutions not because I think I’m perfect the way I am, ohhh nooooo.  I simply do not like setting

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