Be The Bad Girl

by , on
September 2, 2013
Be The Bad Girl

source; Pinterest

One of the most startling changes during my divorce, was my perception of myself. That sounds strange but when I was married I was a good girl.  I was a good wife.  I understood my role and made the best of my marital life.  I played by the rules.  I fulfilled expectations as a soccer mom, school volunteer and as a friend and business wife.  I wouldn’t call myself a trophy wife as that would suggest I spent many hours primping and looking

Buy or Rent During Divorce?

by , on
August 19, 2013

rent or buy after divorceShould you buy or rent during divorce?  Ideally, we would like to keep the matrimonial home and live there with the children.  The last thing we want to do is let go of all of those memories we’ve made there.  However, the cost of the household and your ex maintaining his own house is not feasible for many divorcing couples.   The reality is most couples end up selling the matrimonial home and each downsizing to accommodate a maxed out budget.  But it’s not as bad as it sounds.  The question

Divorce Happy Dance

by , on
July 14, 2013
Divorce Happy Dance

source; Pinterest

Doin’ the Divorce Happy Dance?  Well, that’s what women are doing according to the study from the Kingston University in London.  Whereas men although slightly happier at their divorce conclusion, are not as significantly as the women.  It turns out men are a little less excited and happy about this whole divorce ‘thing’.

What impressed me in the study is it shows that despite the decrease in income levels and the stress involved in divorce, women reported to be happier then when they were married.  This

Something I’ve Been Meaning to Tell You

by , on
June 18, 2013
something I've been meaning to tell you

Vashti and Brett Seacat -image source; abc news

I tuned in to Nancy Grace and was immediately riveted by her coverage of the Seacat case.  He’s a cop charged with 1st degree murder of his wife Vashti Seacat.   Only months prior to her murder, Vashti had served her husband with divorce papers. This is a sharp reminder of the vulnerability of all women who are initiating a separation or divorce.  I gave my head a shake while watching this because I couldn’t believe I haven’t blogged about this issue; I’ve been negligent.  So, this is what I’ve been meaning to tell you… women who

Divorce Self Care-5 Tips

by , on
May 26, 2013
5 Tips for Self Care

source; strawberrieHeart

There is no more stressful time than during a divorce, except for death.  Think about that for a minute.  Divorce is a grieving process of sorts.

If you are going through it right now, chances are you’ve let your self care routine slide.  There are other more important things to worry about than my hair…you hear yourself say…the children come first, you say…and they do however, if you keep putting yourself last you won’t get through this journey intact. 

Sweat Therapy

by , on
April 21, 2013
sweat therapy

credit unknown

One of the best stress busters during divorce or any difficult time, is exercise.  Any sweaty sport, activity or even a simple brisk walk can clear the mind of our negative thoughts firing.  Sweat therapy I call it, because you get in the moment and forget all of the worries that are plaguing your mind and focus on what your

The Social Divorce

by , on
March 24, 2013
The Social Divorce

credit; some e-cards

Are you on social media sites?  How has being involved in social media effected your divorce?  There was no social media when I was first separated.  When I joined face book it was to stay in touch with long distance friends and extended family.  I had been

Book Love

by , on
March 17, 2013

book loveAre you a passionate reader like me? Which books are the ones you couldn’t live without?  Books have helped me through just about everything for as long as I can remember.

During childhood when I felt like I wasn’t fitting in, books were my go to comfort.  Harriet The Spy, Charlotte’s Web, Diary of Anne Frank, Are You There God It’s Me Margaret? are

Finding Your Thinking Place

by , on
February 6, 2013
Finding your thinking place

photo purchased from Dreamstime

In times of change, we need to go inside ourselves and think. We need a quiet place where we can listen to our heart.

When we arrive at a crossroads, we need to take time for ourselves to be quiet, to unplug. In our lives full of constant communication, we need more than ever to learn

Top 10 Reasons to Love Living Single

by , on
January 13, 2013

top 10 reasons to love living singleFrom the archives, one of my favorites!  The pluses of living single.

After being married with a family, it can be a huge adjustment to live alone or without a partner.  Suddenly, what was once a bustling household can feel empty and the quiet unsettling.  This can lead to loneliness. 

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