50 Things I’ve Learned

by , on
September 30, 2014

In honor of my 50th birthday…gulp…I’m sharing my humble list of 50 things I’ve learned in 50 years.  Some things are funny.  Some are things you’ll say “She’s just figured that out now?”  Yes, I’m still figuring things out…so please have a read and a laugh.  I have a special request for you though, before you make too much fun of me, share at least one thing you’ve learned in the comments 🙂

So, How Was Your Summer Really?

by , on
September 2, 2014
time for a cool changee

image; Jan’spageofawesomeness tumblr

Fall is in the air. I can almost smell the new, freshly sharpened pencils and blank notebooks.  You know the ones with the line on the left margin? I can feel the brand new text books with stubborn spines holding promise of a new world of words and facts.  Even if we’re not returning to school something in our soul tells us so.  The falling leaves, the sound of school bells and new shoes all say “hey, what are you going to learn?”

Are you going back to school to try something new or are you going to simply turn over a new leaf?

The Divorcee’s Guide to Wedding Season, 10 Tips

by , on
June 12, 2014
the divorcee's guide to wedding season

The Wedding Date

Tis the season…for weddings.  Yay.  Sometimes the last thing we feel like doing is attending a wedding as a single divorcee. The romance, the dancing, the ‘love’ in the air is enough to choke the bitterness right out of us.

Hobby Therapy-It Really Works

by , on
May 16, 2014

hobby therapy-it worksDo you ever have one of those days, you wish you could go straight back to bed?  Just call it a day when it’s barely begun?  I sure have.  I’ve had many a dark day during my divorce. 

One of the biggest things that helped me cope was spending a little time everyday doing something I loved.  Exercise has always been a big part of my life and it sure saved me during the stressful times.  I felt

hobby therapy-it worksDo you ever have one of those days, you wish you could go straight back to bed?  Just call it a day when it’s barely begun?  I sure have.  I’ve had many a dark day during my divorce. 

One of the biggest things that helped me cope was spending a little time everyday doing something I loved.  Exercise has always been a big part of my life and it sure saved me during the stressful times.  I felt

A Spring Kind of Mood

by , on
April 10, 2014
spring kind of mood

spring kind of mood

This post has been updated 3/4/21.

Springtime in my neighborhood is full of pinks, greens and yellows beginning in late March.  Here’s a little Spring time mood for all of you.  Has Spring sprung for you yet?  If not, I hope these images will put a little ‘Spring’ in your heart today…

Between A Rock And a Hard Place

by , on
March 16, 2014

between a rock and a hard place

image ‘lonely rain’ by crazy beautiful

If you’ve ever wondered whether you should end an abusive relationship, this is a must read!

Updated: October 2, 2023

Today is my first guest post here at The Great Escape…and I’m delighted to introduce to you all one inspirational young lady.   She’s beautiful, sassy, rescues dogs, teaches elementary school and she’s someone you’d want for a best friend.  Marianne Jordan is also the founder of My Own Diva (this company is no longer in business but Marianne’s story remains a must read) and well…she kicks ass.   She’s a Southern Belle from Columbus, Georgia and her story will inspire you…

Ooh La La-You’re a French Goddess

by , on
February 16, 2014

Bonjour!  What does divorce have to do with your beauty? Everything.  During any life challenge or change, we tend to let go of our beauty rituals.  We run out of time, money and simply lose sight of the importance of feeling beautiful.  But feeling beautiful inside and OUT is the key to self confidence, just ask any French Goddess.

Time-Where Is Yours Going?

by , on
February 3, 2014

time, don't go so fast


It’s supposed to heal but a moment in time can break you.  It’s the one thing we can’t buy.  There is no price on it because it’s invaluable. Yet we squander it away as if we have forever.  We remember the moments but not necessarily whole days.  Let’s talk about the illusive structure of our lives:  Time

Tick. … Tock.   It’s ticking away while we’re ‘busy making other plans’ (John Lennon).

How Will You Tell Your Story?

by , on
January 27, 2014

What's Your Story?

image; pinterest

AS each  new day unfolds, so does your story.  Will you tell yours?  How will you tell it?  Will it be a comedic play, a romantic novel, a love song, a dramatic film or serious documentary.  Maybe  how isn’t as important as the simple fact

An Ideal Divorce-Is There Such a Thing?

by , on
January 21, 2014

an ideal divorce-is there such a thing?

image source; Pinterest

An ideal divorce-is there such a thing?  Or is it as likely as riding a unicorn off into the sunset.  I would hazard a guess that it’s about as likely as ‘happily ever after’.  Not impossible, but not guaranteed.  First, what is an ideal divorce?

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