Sweat Therapy

by , on
April 21, 2013
sweat therapy

credit unknown

One of the best stress busters during divorce or any difficult time, is exercise.  Any sweaty sport, activity or even a simple brisk walk can clear the mind of our negative thoughts firing.  Sweat therapy I call it, because you get in the moment and forget all of the worries that are plaguing your mind and focus on what your

Budgeting Steps and Tips

by , on
January 8, 2013

Budgeting Steps and TipsIt’s  natural to be concerned about our finances.

From the archives, Budgeting Steps and Tips:  The overwhelming issues surrounding your divorce include financial worries and a decrease in disposable income.  Suddenly one, or the same income is supporting two households.  Perhaps your support is

Divorce-Surprising Benefits For You and The Kids

by , on
August 17, 2012

There is always so much negative coverage, comments, judgments and professional nay-saying about divorce.  But what about the positive side of divorce or as I like to call it; the flip side of divorce. There are surprising benefits for both you, and the kids.

Rarely do we stop and examine what can go right during or after divorce. So instead of focusing on the difficulties, expense and strife of divorce, let’s take a few moments to examine the good, the pluses and the long term positive effects of divorce i.e., the BENEFITS.


Divorce Month

by , on
January 15, 2012

What is divorce Month?   It’s a well known fact that more separations and divorces happen in January.  Even more break ups in less serious relationships happen this month, why?  January is the most dreary month of the year including the weather, the lack of daylight, the Christmas bills, and the lingering disappointments of the recent Christmas season. 

Once An In-law, Now An Out-law?

by , on
January 8, 2012

once an in-law, now an out-law?Unfortunately when we divorce, we divorce our in-laws as well.  Remaining on good terms can prove as challenging as remaining on good terms with your ex.

Once an in-law, now an out-law?

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