Co-Parenting Challenges & Tips

by , on
March 2, 2014

Undoubtedly, one of the biggest challenges during divorce and in the initial stages of separation, is parenting. Parenting is a labour of love even in intact homes.  However, add divorce and it is  riddled with guilt, logistical obstacles, loneliness and tug of war.  If you’re experiencing any of this know you’re not alone.

3 Reasons to Update Your Will During Divorce

by , on
February 23, 2014
the importance of updating your will

image source

I can’t overstate the importance of updating your will during divorce.  Since divorce can take years to process, your life feels like it’s in a constant state of transition. Untying knots requires tying up loose ends.  One of those is your will.  You certainly don’t want your STBX acting as your

I Heart Me Day

by , on
February 13, 2014

I HEART Me DayFrom the archives…Feeling pissed about Cupid this year?  It’s difficult after separation to feel inspired about a day dedicated to love when you feel your heart is broken.  But in order to mend your heart, you have to start loving yourself.

In our marriages we often put ourselves last.  We even learn to stop loving ourselves.  How do we undo this?  We begin by treating ourselves right.  Turn Valentine’s Day into I HEART

Time-Where Is Yours Going?

by , on
February 3, 2014

time, don't go so fast


It’s supposed to heal but a moment in time can break you.  It’s the one thing we can’t buy.  There is no price on it because it’s invaluable. Yet we squander it away as if we have forever.  We remember the moments but not necessarily whole days.  Let’s talk about the illusive structure of our lives:  Time

Tick. … Tock.   It’s ticking away while we’re ‘busy making other plans’ (John Lennon).

An Ideal Divorce-Is There Such a Thing?

by , on
January 21, 2014
an ideal divorce-is there such a thing?

image source; Pinterest

An ideal divorce-is there such a thing?  Or is it as likely as riding a unicorn off into the sunset.  I would hazard a guess that it’s about as likely as ‘happily ever after’.  Not impossible, but not guaranteed.  First, what is an ideal divorce?

Fear Of Loss

by , on
November 24, 2013


  “The most beautiful people I’ve known are those who have known trials, have known struggles, have known loss,   and have found their way out of the depths.”
Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

LOSS-we all experience it, especially during divorce.  The fact is we lose stuff everyday; a thought, our keys, our phone, a memory, our coins, a contest, a challenge, a call and the biggest one of all—TIME.

In tackling this subject I really wanted to express the idea that loss is something we all deal with whether they’re losses that leave a crevice in our hearts or small ones, that niggle on the left side of our brain.

Loss is just an unfortunate part of life…

10 Ways to Brighten Your November

by , on
November 4, 2013

54469_170866756269906_112712212085361_419399_6643010_o(1)From the archives, how to cheer up the darker days…

The days are getting shorter, the nights colder.  Although we can’t bring back the light of the summer and we can’t stop the rain from falling on our heads, there are always the simple, small ways to lift our spirits.  If you are mid-divorce especially, the darkness out your window only adds to your dark mood.

Stop Being Too Nice

by , on
October 21, 2013

stop being too nice

Being too nice during your divorce

can cost you…money, assets and even the kids.  I’ve heard many stories of regret and loss due to taking the ‘high road’ and being ‘nice’.  This is especially true for us women as we are raised to be caring and nurturing. It’s part of our feminine quality.  It’s double true for women who make the decision to leave.  They, more than anyone are troubled with guilt which leads to being too nice and trying to keep everyone happy.

What The F Am I Gonna Do Now?

by , on
September 23, 2013
what the F am I gonna do now?

image source; Dreamstime

From the archives, a common dilemma divorcing women face:

When we find out we’re expecting we are overwhelmed and delighted by the prospect of entering a new phase in our life; motherhood.  We want to do what’s best for our babies.  Thus begins the long path of putting our children’s needs before our own.  Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying this is a bad thing however as we learn years later, the decision we thought was the best at one point ends up hurting us.  If you are like me and stayed home to raise your children you have given up the prospects of furthering your career during all of those years.  The rewards and benefits of staying home are invaluable to our children but there is a price to pay in the event of divorce.  We stay at home moms are

Time For a cool Change

by , on
September 16, 2013
time for a cool changee

image; Jan’spageofawesomeness tumblr

Autumn always signals personal reassessment for me.  Whether it be in my home, my closets, my work and creativity, or even relationships.  It must be that old, back to school feeling.  Remember when you would get taken out by your mother for back to school shoes? It was so special and exciting you might even get a new dress or jacket out of the deal. 

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