Put Your Lipstick On

by , on
July 22, 2013


“Just get up, put your lipstick on and get out there.”  This was the advice given to a friend of mine by her grandmother when she was going through her divorce.

put your lipstick on

source; Pinterest

So many pretty colors to choose from…


Grandma gave this advice for different situations, not just during divorce.  She gave herself this advice when her husband passed away.  The devastating loss had her feeling hopeless until she told herself  “Get off your ass, and put your lipstick on…” In other words,  get up and ‘Just Do It’.  Did Nike steal this grandmother’s mantra (minus the lipstick)?  It seems Liz Taylor would agree.  The drink is optional, of course…

Divorce Happy Dance

by , on
July 14, 2013
Divorce Happy Dance

source; Pinterest

Doin’ the Divorce Happy Dance?  Well, that’s what women are doing according to the study from the Kingston University in London.  Whereas men although slightly happier at their divorce conclusion, are not as significantly as the women.  It turns out men are a little less excited and happy about this whole divorce ‘thing’.

What impressed me in the study is it shows that despite the decrease in income levels and the stress involved in divorce, women reported to be happier then when they were married.  This

When to Leave a Marriage

by , on
July 7, 2013

Based on this title, it sounds as though I’m going to tell you exactly when you should leave your marriage.  When to leave a marriage is the number one key word search that brings people to my site.  Yet, I haven’t written one blog post to tell you when to leave your marriage because that would be presumptuous.

Everyone faces unique circumstances.  My book however, touches on this very question in the first chapter. The quiz also prompts some hard thinking and

when to leave a marriage

sosurce; Pinterest

Quote of the Week

by , on
June 12, 2013

It’s Wednesday again, already…time for our quote of the week.  Today’s quote isn’t from anyone famous, in fact it is anonymous (as far as I know).  But this just hit me right in the face this morning and I wanted to share it with you…

Quote of the Week

by , on
May 15, 2013

It sounds simple and yet it can be the hardest thing to do…

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

You may belong to a group of friends who have different priorities than you and to be yourself is getting harder by the day…or in a workplace that rewards behaviors that don’t match up with your personality…being yourself can be the hardest thing to do…or in a failing marriage with a spouse who just doesn’t ‘get’ you or squashes your personality…being yourself is the hardest thing to do…But I say, start now…It’s never too late to become the person you’re meant to be, YOU

quote of the week

source; Pinterest


How do you stay true to YOU?

Leave a comment, I LOVE ’em!

Finding Your Thinking Place

by , on
February 6, 2013
Finding your thinking place

photo purchased from Dreamstime

In times of change, we need to go inside ourselves and think. We need a quiet place where we can listen to our heart.

When we arrive at a crossroads, we need to take time for ourselves to be quiet, to unplug. In our lives full of constant communication, we need more than ever to learn

Divorce-Surprising Benefits For You and The Kids

by , on
August 17, 2012

There is always so much negative coverage, comments, judgments and professional nay-saying about divorce.  But what about the positive side of divorce or as I like to call it; the flip side of divorce. There are surprising benefits for both you, and the kids.

Rarely do we stop and examine what can go right during or after divorce. So instead of focusing on the difficulties, expense and strife of divorce, let’s take a few moments to examine the good, the pluses and the long term positive effects of divorce i.e., the BENEFITS.


Finding a New Normal

by , on
July 30, 2012

Making a New NormalDuring the initial stages of separation and divorce, we find that we have lost our normal.  This is unsettling for us humans since we thrive on routine.  Our simple routine of daily tasks and some of our traditions are thrown out.  It’s called change or transition and it’s not an easy part of the process.  How can

What the F am I Gonna Do Now?

by , on
June 10, 2012

what the F am I gonna do now?When we find out we’re expecting we are overwhelmed and delighted by the prospect of entering a new phase in our life; motherhood.  We want to do what’s best for our babies.  Thus begins the long path of putting our children’s needs before our own.  Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying this is a bad thing however, as we learn years later, the decision we thought was the best at one point, ends up hurting us. 

The Woman Wearing the Scarlett Letter

by , on
May 23, 2012
the woman wearing the scarlett letter

Demi Moore in The Scarlett Letter

I’ve never felt so ostracized as I did post divorce.  I was the woman wearing the Scarlett Letter, it seemed.  It turns out you don’t need to be an adulterer to be shunned, especially if you are the one to end the marriage.

Can you return without the social stigma?  Is it true you can never go back?  Can you walk the same streets and feel like the same person?

If you have relocated after a difficult divorce, you may return one day and ask yourself these very questions.  I pondered these questions upon my return to a city my children still call home.

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