Put Your Lipstick On

by , on
July 22, 2013


“Just get up, put your lipstick on and get out there.”  This was the advice given to a friend of mine by her grandmother when she was going through her divorce.

put your lipstick on

source; Pinterest

So many pretty colors to choose from…


Grandma gave this advice for different situations, not just during divorce.  She gave herself this advice when her husband passed away.  The devastating loss had her feeling hopeless until she told herself  “Get off your ass, and put your lipstick on…” In other words,  get up and ‘Just Do It’.  Did Nike steal this grandmother’s mantra (minus the lipstick)?  It seems Liz Taylor would agree.  The drink is optional, of course…

Divorce Self Care-5 Tips

by , on
May 26, 2013
5 Tips for Self Care

source; strawberrieHeart

There is no more stressful time than during a divorce, except for death.  Think about that for a minute.  Divorce is a grieving process of sorts.

If you are going through it right now, chances are you’ve let your self care routine slide.  There are other more important things to worry about than my hair…you hear yourself say…the children come first, you say…and they do however, if you keep putting yourself last you won’t get through this journey intact. 

You’re Sexy and You Know It

by , on
March 10, 2013

you're sexy and you know itLast spring I posted Finding Your Inner Sex Goddess.  We talked about our sensuality and using all of our senses to feel sexy again.  Consider this to be Part II of that post because you’re sexy and you know it!  I recently read on Huffington Post that women are happier and feel sexier after divorce. 

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