Should You Take Your Name Back?

by , on
March 24, 2014

new beginningsAn interesting topic I tackled over at DivorcedMoms today…  Should or did you go back to your Maiden name after divorce?  First, what’s in a name?  This was famously answered by Shakespeare’s Juliet…”A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.”  I beg to differ, Juliet.  We might be the very same person inside but changing our name can change our whole perception.  Why else do actors and musicians take on a ‘stage name’?  To empower themselves…

Time-Where Is Yours Going?

by , on
February 3, 2014

time, don't go so fast


It’s supposed to heal but a moment in time can break you.  It’s the one thing we can’t buy.  There is no price on it because it’s invaluable. Yet we squander it away as if we have forever.  We remember the moments but not necessarily whole days.  Let’s talk about the illusive structure of our lives:  Time

Tick. … Tock.   It’s ticking away while we’re ‘busy making other plans’ (John Lennon).

Stop Being Too Nice

by , on
October 21, 2013

stop being too nice

Being too nice during your divorce

can cost you…money, assets and even the kids.  I’ve heard many stories of regret and loss due to taking the ‘high road’ and being ‘nice’.  This is especially true for us women as we are raised to be caring and nurturing. It’s part of our feminine quality.  It’s double true for women who make the decision to leave.  They, more than anyone are troubled with guilt which leads to being too nice and trying to keep everyone happy.

Be The Bad Girl

by , on
September 2, 2013
Be The Bad Girl

source; Pinterest

One of the most startling changes during my divorce, was my perception of myself. That sounds strange but when I was married I was a good girl.  I was a good wife.  I understood my role and made the best of my marital life.  I played by the rules.  I fulfilled expectations as a soccer mom, school volunteer and as a friend and business wife.  I wouldn’t call myself a trophy wife as that would suggest I spent many hours primping and looking

Divorce Happy Dance

by , on
July 14, 2013
Divorce Happy Dance

source; Pinterest

Doin’ the Divorce Happy Dance?  Well, that’s what women are doing according to the study from the Kingston University in London.  Whereas men although slightly happier at their divorce conclusion, are not as significantly as the women.  It turns out men are a little less excited and happy about this whole divorce ‘thing’.

What impressed me in the study is it shows that despite the decrease in income levels and the stress involved in divorce, women reported to be happier then when they were married.  This

Quote of the Week

by , on
June 26, 2013


Well, I scrolled through all kinds of inspirational quotes today and couldn’t seem to find one that spoke to us.  Then I saw this bird cage with a quote that seemed appropriate.  It’s all about freedom…believing in you…dreaming big dreams…knowing today isn’t the end of your story, only the beginning…

50 Ways to Leave Your Husband

by , on
May 19, 2013

50 ways to leave your husband From the ARCHIVES; I thought we could use a little humor today.  This is tongue in cheek and I first posted this last April.  Someone contacted me and said they were offended that I would suggest leaving a marriage was this simple.  To which I responded “Hey, Paul Simon was the one who said it, not me!”  Also, grab a sense of humor lady…

We can thank Paul Simon for the clever suggestions in “50 Ways To Leave Your lover Husband”.  Paul was one of the best singer, songwriters of his generation.  I remember this song as a child and thinking there was something very unusual about the tune and the lyrics.  It was both catchy and dangerous at the same time…

Letting Go-3 Tips

by , on
April 28, 2013

Letting go is a big divorce phrase that get thrown around by friends, family, lawyers, mediators and random folks.  Everyone talks about it like it’s putting your shoes on to go out.  It should just

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