Motherhood Defined

by , on
May 11, 2012
motherhood defined

My favorite picture of my kids

Starting with the blue stick through to sticky glue, sticky fingers and sticky situations; motherhood has it all.  When we decide to have babies we think of it as a destination, a place we’ve come to or a decision we’ve made.   But motherhood defined, is a JOURNEY.   A beginning, middle and an end that hopefully never comes until it’s our turn to leave this world.

This journey will break your heart, bring you joy, disappoint you and make you proud.  It is a journey of conundrums.  No one said it would be easy.  It’s called “labour” for a reason.


Some of my most memorable moments with my children include; my daughter’s first day of kindergarten when I proudly walked her into the classroom only to have her run out the back door before I could say hello to the teacher.  Nice first impression!   It took some persuading but I finally got her back in to class.

The time my son ‘performed’ at his pre-school Christmas play, without moving a single muscle or even blinking.  He stood in terror facing all of us parents.  I hadn’t realized how self conscious he was but my heart broke a little watching him frozen up there while all the other children sang their hearts out.

The piano recital from hell.  My 10 year old daughter refused to practice.  We attended the recital and when she got up to play she stopped about a hundred times and talked to herself through the whole piece.  It was less than 3 minutes but felt like hours.  The little girl sitting in front of me kept turning around to look at me every time my daughter stopped playing or missed a note as if to say “Is that your child?”.  After it was all over, I laughed so hard I cried.  My daughter was headstrong and she didn’t care one iota about the consequences of not practicing her piece.

When both my son and daughter were in their early teens they would complain about my cooking.  I got so angry one afternoon that I told them I wasn’t making anything and if they wanted to eat they would have to figure out what to do with the chicken in the fridge.  They rose to the occasion.  My son sent me up to my room to ‘relax’.  About 15 minutes after I had been banished from the kitchen, I heard a quiet knock on my bedroom door.  It was my son, bringing me a glass of wine.  “Don’t come in the kitchen until we call you, mom” he instructed me.  My daughter had prepared chicken quesadillas for us and did a fabulous job.  Oh, the joys.  What are your memorable moments?

motherhood defined

My daughter and I in 2012


motherhood defined

My Son and I in 2012


Below, Mrs. C from Happy Days

Motherhood defined

Carol Brady from The Brady Bunch

Motherhood Defined

Motherhood Defined

Motherhood Defined

Kitty from That 70’s Show

Grandma’s Tea Cups are a childhood relic.  Thinking of you today, Grandma.

motherhood defined

If motherhood is defined as a JOURNEY rather than a destination, we have to take the good with the bad and some of the ugly along the way.  None of us moms are perfect, neither are our own mothers, nor our children.  Let’s celebrate motherhood and accept our imperfections.   HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY TO ALL.  I send a prayer out to all the SINGLE MOMS making ends meet and going through this journey alone; strength to you.  A shout out to the step moms and foster moms too.

 How are you celebrating Mother’s Day?






  1. Jane

    May 21, 2012 at 2:17 pm

    Yes motherhood! Some days I wonder what I was thinking but then at night when they are laying in their beds, fast asleep, so innocent and unimaginably precious I think yes it is worth every minute of it.

    • lisa

      May 21, 2012 at 2:28 pm

      Hi Jane, thanks for stopping by. I totally agree, they drive you crazy but at the same time are so precious.

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