Music Therapy

by , on
August 6, 2012

music therapyI saw on Pinterest recently a quote that spoke right to me; “The problem with real life is there is no soundtrack playing in the background”  With the gamut of emotions during a divorce;  sadness, loneliness, anger, happiness, confusion, and everything in between, what better way to deal with it then some music therapy?

Summer Retreat

by , on
July 10, 2012
a summer retreat

photo credit:

Recently, I had the good fortune to spend a few days at our family’s summer place.  I often retreat there, even in winter time but there is something really special about the summer.  I’m not sure if it’s the small town, ‘back in time’ feel or simply being surrounded by the ocean that does it.  But once you are there for a few hours you start to feel the relaxation kick in.  The worries and tension, all too common during divorce seem to melt away. 

Blue Christmas?

by , on
December 11, 2011
blue christmas

Our favorite; Charlie Brown and his famous tree

One of the most difficult times of the year for divorced and broken families is undoubtedly the Christmas Season.  Especially the first couple of years when it is a time for re-building and transitioning the new family unit. 


by , on
October 25, 2011

I guess I’ll start at the beginning to blast off my new site and blog.  As you would have read in my bio, I made the most difficult decision of my life in 2005.  I made a decision to end my marriage.  It was not a decision I took lightly but when I made it nothing could change it back, that’s how sure I was about it.  Since then I have become stronger, wiser, more tolerant, less judgmental of others, happier, and more fulfilled.  Although I have gone through the stumbling blocks, including anguish, tears, anger and fear I have made it to the other side.  The point is it is not easy to accomplish freedom, but is worth every tear.

I was inspired to write The Great Escape; A Girl’s Guide to Leaving a Marriage partially as a form of therapy,

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