10 Ways to Lift Your Spirits in NovemberThe days are getting shorter, the nights colder.  Although we can’t bring back the light of the summer and we can’t stop the rain from falling on our heads, there are always the simple, small ways to lift our spirits.  If you are mid-divorce especially, the darkness out your window only adds to your dark mood.  These can’t take away your pain or your burdens but they can at least ease your stress.

1. Get a new pair of flannel Pajamas = Cozy

2.Splurge on a special bottle of wine=yummy

3.Buy yourself a fragrant bokay for your bedside table (can’t beat roses for the bedroom)=divine

4.Invest in some beautifully scented candles (cinnamon?, Vanilla? Lavender? Lemon? Cedar?)=aromatherapy

5.Draw a hot, bubbly bath (with lit scented candles)=relaxation

6. Try one Yoga class= strength

10 Ways to Lift Your Spirits in November

p credit- someecards

7.Listen to your favorite music=therapy

8. Watch your favorite funny movie=laughter

9. When you get dressed tomorrow, swap out black for your favorite color=cheer

10. check out Slim Paley’s blog for beautiful home decor, fashion, travel and garden=delightful

Hopefully, doing a few of these things will lift your spirits this month.  Adapting to the dark days during a stressful time such as divorce can be tough. What do you do to lift your spirits?  Is there anything you would add to this list?

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