Dear Lisa-Reader Question

by , on
July 3, 2014

Dear Lisa-Reader QuestionI get some pretty interesting questions coming in from readers and site visitors.  I thought why not share them on the blog once a month?  Everyone can benefit from a little extra information and I’m sure you will relate to selected questions.  Please note, I do not give legal advice nor do I disclose the person’s real name. So, welcome to Dear Lisa-Reader Question of the Month;

Dear Lisa,
How can I get my husband to pay me my court ordered child support? I’m thinking about going back to a judge. He says he doesn’t have a job anymore and can’t pay. He just stopped. I haven’t gotten any support for 6 months.  My Son is 4.  I have to pay for his pre-school not to mention all the other costs.  HELP. – Susan

Hi Susan,

There is a silver lining here believe it or not.  Since you have a court order outlining the payments to be made by your husband as opposed to a verbal agreement which is not legally binding, you simply have to take the next step and have the order enforced.

I do not recommend going back to court, in front of a judge because that will land you in the same boat.  You may walk out with a second order or worst case scenario, your husband may oppose the current order giving the Judge reasons to reduce the amount payable on the existing order.  Not to mention, you will be poorer after paying a lawyer to represent you.  You don’t want that.  What you want is for him to start paying you, period.

Instead, go directly to your Province or State’s Family Maintenance Enforcement Department.

Here, you will fill out an application providing detailed information on your ex husband including physical description (include a photo if you can), his driver’s license number, any other licenses he has, place and name of Employer etc. You will also need a copy of the signed and sealed court order.   Also, since your Ex hasn’t paid for 6 months, you will calculate the amount owing (called ARREARS) and this will also be collected on your behalf.  Once you have completed the application ‘package’ you will send it in to the department for processing.  When your application is completed, you will be contacted with a file number, i.d. # and password.  NOTE: The Department will not allow any negotiating between you and your ex once you are registered.

The set up process can take up to 4 weeks or more.  The application package is quite extensive so you want to make sure you’re including everything they require.  Missing items will only delay your file.

Once your file is activated, the department will communicate with your Ex and act on your behalf.  He will likely begin paying immediately to avoid driver’s license restrictions, income garnishee and fees and penalties for late payments.

The bonus? You get your support without paying extra costs for a lawyer or fighting with your ex. It works like a charm.

The drawback? They system is not perfect and sometimes they make mistakes.  You have a responsibility to ensure they are well informed and always include updating information for them.

Your Homework

Google your local (State or Provincial) Family enforcement office on the internet.  Read through their site to get the application details, rules, requirements to understand YOUR enforcement agency.

The Take Away

Court orders are virtually useless if the person is not following the order.  Utilizing your Family Enforcement office will ensure your Ex pays and follows the order on an ongoing basis.

I would love to hear from you.  If you have a burning divorce question, submit it and I’ll try my best to give you an answer and who knows? Your question might help thousands of other women and men.

Do you like or hate the new Question of the Month?

Leave a Comment, I LOVE, ’em!



  1. Gina Stoneheart

    July 9, 2014 at 2:46 am

    Great advice, Lisa. I have a friend of mine who is dealing with the court system and her dead beat ex-husband who refuses to pay child support. I’m going to tell her to read this post! Hopefully, it can help both her and Susan.

    • lisa

      July 9, 2014 at 7:56 am

      Thanks, GIna. I hope this helps your friend!

  2. Jane Thrive

    July 7, 2014 at 4:00 pm

    Great advice, Lisa! Yep, having the third party enforce the order is such a plus. Yes, they can make mistakes, so it’s up to us to be sure, but having the third party agency take over is the best solution, so mom (or dad) isn’t hunting down the other person and demanding payment, it will come and/or add up until that tax return is filed, etc. etc. and it will follow the paying parent where s/he goes.

    • lisa

      July 7, 2014 at 7:49 pm

      It really works! Thanks, Jane for stopping by!

  3. Stephanie Faris

    July 6, 2014 at 3:34 pm

    Great advice! Although I’ve had friends whose exes actually STILL refused to pay, even after the spouse tried to have it enforced. Here in TN, they even take away their state licenses, so if they work in real estate, a medical field, or anything else that requires a license or state permit, it’s revoked after they’ve refused to pay for a period of time. Even if he doesn’t have a steady job, they’ll find him every time he files his income taxes and send him a bill for what he owes. Eventually, here in TN, they just take it out of a dad’s bank account if they can track that down now. They’re getting VERY aggressive with it–you can’t really hide from it in this electronic age! Of course…he could start demanding his custody rights and requiring that they come to his place every other weekend…

    • lisa

      July 6, 2014 at 5:15 pm

      Totally true Stephanie. The parent (dad) still has child access no matter if he’s paying or not. It’s way harder to not pay once they’re registered. Thanks for your input!

  4. Jodi Aman

    July 5, 2014 at 7:38 pm

    Solid advice!

    • lisa

      July 5, 2014 at 8:06 pm

      Thanks, Jodi!

  5. Mike

    July 4, 2014 at 6:57 pm

    What a great idea, Lisa! And this would definitely be a question I could not address appropriately. Because this annoys me to high heaven when child support is not paid I would have likely said, “Take them out back and beat them!” 🙂 Of course, that is not legal. Looking forward to your question posts from readers…hopefully we get some juicy ones too! We hope you’re having a great day, our friend! 🙂

    • lisa

      July 4, 2014 at 7:55 pm

      Yes! The thing is I get some funny questions but some are really heart wrenching! Thanks Mike for your input!

  6. Chrys Fey

    July 3, 2014 at 9:28 am

    Great advice, Lisa! I hope this helps Susan.

    • lisa

      July 3, 2014 at 1:29 pm

      Hi Chrys, yes I hope so. Thanks for stopping by!

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