Divorce Month

by , on
January 15, 2012

What is divorce Month?   It’s a well known fact that more separations and divorces happen in January.  Even more break ups in less serious relationships happen this month, why?  January is the most dreary month of the year including the weather, the lack of daylight, the Christmas bills, and the lingering disappointments of the recent Christmas season. 

Once An In-law, Now An Out-law?

by , on
January 8, 2012

once an in-law, now an out-law?Unfortunately when we divorce, we divorce our in-laws as well.  Remaining on good terms can prove as challenging as remaining on good terms with your ex.

Once an in-law, now an out-law?

Blue Christmas?

by , on
December 11, 2011
blue christmas

Our favorite; Charlie Brown and his famous tree

One of the most difficult times of the year for divorced and broken families is undoubtedly the Christmas Season.  Especially the first couple of years when it is a time for re-building and transitioning the new family unit. 

A Bad Husband Costume?

by , on
October 31, 2011

I was having my Sunday night telephone conversation with my 17 year old son when I asked what he was going to dress as for Halloween, at school.  He told me he was going as a “Bad Husband”.  Oh, oh.  Was this a latent reaction to his father’s and my divorce?  So I asked him where he got the idea


by , on
October 25, 2011

I guess I’ll start at the beginning to blast off my new site and blog.  As you would have read in my bio, I made the most difficult decision of my life in 2005.  I made a decision to end my marriage.  It was not a decision I took lightly but when I made it nothing could change it back, that’s how sure I was about it.  Since then I have become stronger, wiser, more tolerant, less judgmental of others, happier, and more fulfilled.  Although I have gone through the stumbling blocks, including anguish, tears, anger and fear I have made it to the other side.  The point is it is not easy to accomplish freedom, but is worth every tear.

I was inspired to write The Great Escape; A Girl’s Guide to Leaving a Marriage partially as a form of therapy,

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